SAE Draft #1

SAE Draft  

Dear Professor,  


In this phase, I learned a lot about how language has influenced people’s lives. I’m thankful to say that reading and learning about peoples’ experiences has given me a new perspective. It made me realize that I had biases that I didn’t know were harmful, so I’m glad this bought attention to it. I find that I am more mindful and less quick to judge people based on simple things. Like their accent or how they look. If I do find myself in a situation where I believe that I am wrongfully judging or assuming certain things about someone, I would correct myself. 


In terms of the way I learn and write, I do not believe that anything has changed.  But I have a newfound interest in reading things that are written in an accent or include other languages. I feel more connected to the story that way. I have never considered including that into my own writing before, but I do see myself doing it in the future.  


One learning outcome that I have reached from this phase is that I am able to recognize the role of language attitudes and standards in empowering, oppressing, and hierarchizing languages and their users, and be open to communicating across different languages and cultures. Language is a part of people’s lives and can determine how we navigate through the world. 


This assignment did force me to look deep into myself to find experiences that shaped who I am today. It was challenging because I did not think I had any language experiences that still have an influence on my life today, but when I did find the connection, I was surprised. I would’ve never thought about looking into my past learning experiences to see if they would have an effect on me years later.  


Thank You, Nubia Soleyn 


Dear professor,  


In this phase, I have learned how to dissect readings more thoroughly. Before this assignment, I thought rhetorical appeals were only used for advertising and in speeches. Having to figure out how the authors use rhetorical appeals was a bit challenging but interesting. Sometimes it is hidden very well, and it is hard to tell when they are using ethos pathos and/or logos. I appreciate this assignment for forcing me to make connections between why the author includes certain details and the purpose of the reading.  


Understanding the use of rhetorical appeals is crucial since they are a key technique that presenters and writers use to persuade their audience and to effectively communicate their message. Rhetorical appeals are tactics used to persuade an audience’s reason, emotion, or sense of ethics to adopt a particular point of view or take a specific action. Understanding rhetorical appeals is also important since they are often used to manipulate or deceive an audience. You can better defend yourself against being swayed by persuasive arguments that are not founded on sound logic or evidence if you are aware of these strategies. 


At first, I was very confused about what the assignment was asking me to do. I thought we had to pick two readings and compare the methods both authors used to get their message across to the readers. But after getting clarification, it made more sense. I find that I am able to understand prompts better when the requirements are clear. I have a better grasp on how to explore and analyze, in writing and reading, a variety of genres and rhetorical situations. 


Thank you, Nubia S. 


Phase 3 has helped me gain better research skills. I know Learning how to research is fundamental to my college career because it is a critical skill that will help you to succeed in the future career. Research skills are essential for finding and evaluating information, synthesizing, and analyzing ideas, and developing new knowledge. For the rest of my college career, I will likely be required to complete research projects, write papers, and prepare presentations that require you to gather, evaluate, and use information from a variety of sources. Having strong research skills will help me effectively identify and locate relevant sources, determine their credibility and reliability, and use them to support my own ideas and arguments.  

This assignment has helped me Locate research sources in the library’s databases or archives and on the Internet and evaluate them for credibility, accuracy, timeliness, and bias. Before I did not know how to use CCNY’s library online. Now that I am familiar with it, I can use it for many other purposes in the future.  

Research skills are also important because they help you to become a more independent learner and to take ownership of your own education. By learning how to research, you can develop your own interests and passions, explore new ideas, and find answers to your own questions. 

In addition, research skills are highly valued by employers and are often considered a necessary qualification for many jobs. By learning how to research in college, I can gain a competitive edge in the job market and be better prepared for the challenges and opportunities that I might face in my future career. Overall, learning how to research is an essential part of your college career and will serve you well in your studies and in your future professional endeavors.