SAE Final Draft

Nubia Soleyn 

English 11000 


In phase one I learned that language plays a central role in our lives and can have a significant influence on how we think, communicate, and interact with others. It is a fundamental part of our identity and culture, and it shapes our perception of the world and our place in it. It can also have a powerful impact on our social interactions and relationships. It is the primary means by which we communicate with others and convey our thoughts, feelings, and intentions. The words we choose and the way we use them can affect how others perceive us and how we perceive ourselves. 

Language can also be used as a tool for social and political change. It can be used to advocate for certain causes, to challenge dominant narratives and power structures, and to create a sense of community and belonging among like-minded individuals. I have learned that language is an integral part of our lives and has the power to shape our thoughts, interactions, and experiences in meaningful ways. 

Phase 2 helped me to realize that rhetorical appeals are important because they are a key tool that speakers and writers use to persuade their audience and to effectively communicate their message. Rhetorical appeals are strategies that are used to appeal to an audience’s reason, emotion, or sense of ethics in order to persuade them to accept a particular point of view or take a certain action. There are three main types of rhetorical appeals: logos, which appeals to the audience’s reason or logic; pathos, which appeals to their emotions; and ethos, which appeals to their sense of ethics or credibility. By understanding how these appeals work and how they can be effectively used, you can become a more effective communicator and be better able to persuade others to see things your way. 

Understanding rhetorical appeals is also important because they are often used to manipulate or deceive an audience. By being aware of these techniques, you can better protect yourself from being swayed by persuasive arguments that are not based on sound reasoning or evidence. Becoming familiar with the use of rhetorical appeals can help you to become a more effective communicator and a more critical thinker, and it can also help you to better navigate the often-complex world of communication and persuasion. 

Phase 3 has helped me gain better research skills. I know Learning how to research is fundamental to my college career because it is a critical skill that will help you to succeed in the future career. Research skills are essential for finding and evaluating information, synthesizing, and analyzing ideas, and developing new knowledge. For the rest of my college career, I will likely be required to complete research projects, write papers, and prepare presentations that require you to gather, evaluate, and use information from a variety of sources. Having strong research skills will help me effectively identify and locate relevant sources, determine their credibility and reliability, and use them to support my own ideas and arguments.  

Research skills are also important because they help you to become a more independent learner and to take ownership of your own education. By learning how to research, you can develop your own interests and passions, explore new ideas, and find answers to your own questions. 

In addition, research skills are highly valued by employers and are often considered a necessary qualification for many jobs. By learning how to research in college, I can gain a competitive edge in the job market and be better prepared for the challenges and opportunities that I might face in my future career. Overall, learning how to research is an essential part of your college career and will serve you well in your studies and in your future professional endeavors.